Abstract Guidelines & FAQs
December 2024 Virtual Conference
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
Opens Monday, November 18, 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024 (11:59 PM ET)
Abstract Acceptance Notifications
Rolling - notifications will be emailed to the submitter's email address within approximately 1 week of
abstract submission
Asbtract Guidelines & Format
As you prepare your submission to the conference, please make note of the following details:
- All types of atopic dermatitis related research are eligible for submission.
- Abstract should address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
- Encore presentations of data from previously presented research may be submitted.
- Abstracts must be submitted in Word format only.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English only.
- Please ensure that you include the title, author information including first and last name (middle initial if available), and author institution (name, city, state/province, and country)
- Titles should be in bold, sentence case
- Affiliations should be designated with superscript numbers
- Please include all sections indicated in the Abstract Template
- Please double-space
- Word Limit: 600 Words (word count does not include title, authors, author affiliations, keywords, references or disclosures)
- You may insert one (1) chart or graph. (Note: charts and graphs will be included on the RAD Website; however, they will not be included in the British Journal of Dermatology publicaton.)
Please click below to view the Abstract Template. Abstract format must follow the template provided.
View Abstract Template
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is there an abstract submission fee?
Are there rules about previous presentations and adaptations of data at conferences and in publications?
Encore and adapted presentations are permitted. All abstracts will undergo review by the Abstract Review
Committee who will assess for scientific merit and novelty. The submitting author must provide the name of the
conference/publication, presentation/publication date and presentation venue.
Is a trial-in-progress abstract allowed?
Is there an author limit for abstracts?
Is there a word limit or character count to which we should adhere?
600 words; 1 chart or graph is allowed (word count does not include title, authors, author affiliations,
references or disclosures; there is no limit to the number of references allowed)
Can we include graphs and charts?
Yes, but these will not be posted in the final BJD publication.
How do I upload my final poster for RAD website posting?
You can find the link to "Submit Abstract" in your acceptance email
Who owns the copyright on the accepted abstract/presentation?
The authors own all copyright to their accepted abstract(s)/presentation(s)
May a non-author present on behalf of the authors?
- Yes, for non-accredited poster presentations (i.e.: those that are being posted on the RAD website)
- No, for accredited poster or oral presentations (i.e.: those that are being presented during the late-breaking session)
May an industry employee present on behalf of the authors?
- Yes, for non-accredited poster presentations (i.e.: those that are being posted on the RAD website)
- No, for accredited poster or oral presentations (i.e.: those that are being presented during the late-breaking session)
Is industry sponsored research allowed?
Yes; however, due to CME guidelines, only non-industry employees will be allowed to present if accepted for an
Oral Presentation.
Is society sponsorship required for admission?
Are QR codes allowed on the posters?
Do you have any policy regarding the usage of brand names or trademarks in abstracts or posters?
Brand names, trademarks and logos are NOT allowed - only generic names may be used.
Will you accept an abstract presenting only the study design?
It would be preferable if the abstract included the results/read outs; however, if they are not available at the
time of submission but will be presented at the conference, that would be acceptable.
What are the Embargo Rules, if any?
- None for encore presentations
- For primary disclosures, scientific dissemination must be reserved until after presentation at the conference. Press releases and media coverage are allowed in advance of the conference provided that data is not included.
Where will the abstracts be published?
All accepted abstracts will be published in the British Journal of Dermatology (BJD) as well as on the RAD
What is the pre-conference abstract availability date/access venue?
Sunday, December 8th - 11:00 AM (ET)
What is the post-conference abstract availability date/access venue?
In perpetuity
Is there a language requirement for the abstracts?
May abstracts be modified after the submission deadline?
Yes, an abstract may be modified after the submission date utilizing the unique link provided in each abstract
acceptance notification email.
I have additional questions?
Please email________ along with your abstract number and submitter. Only those with an abstract number will be
responded to. Your abstract number can be found here on your submission email:
Important Links:
As you prepare your submission to the conference, please make note of the following details:
- All types of atopic dermatitis related research are eligible for submission.
- Abstract should address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
- Encore presentations of data from previously presented research may be submitted.
- Abstracts must be submitted in Word format only.
Please do not submit without the following:
- Please ensure that you include the title, author information including first and last name (middle initial if available), and author institution (name, city, state/province, and country)
- Titles should be in bold, sentence case
- Affiliations should be designated with superscript numbers
- Please include all sections indicated in the Abstract Template
- A conventional poster on a single slide to fit on a 16 x 9 PPT slide
- You may also submit an optional 3-minute video presentation of your poster that will be included on the RAD website. Video presentations should be provided in MP4 format.
- The presenter should not be an employee of an industry sponsor.
- You must agree to present the abstract if it is selected for poster presentation at the RAD Conference. This includes being present during the scheduled time of a poster session. Accepted posters will be accessible to delegates in person in the poster hall and on the RAD website.
Posters/presentations generated by ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence software will not be accepted.